Patricia Menegoto

Patricia Menegoto

Startup CPG - Founding Member and Director of Marketing and Community

Appears in 5 Episodes

Bonus - Startup CPG's BIG Plans for 2024

Join Daniel Scharff and Startup CPG Director of Marketing & Community, Patricia Menegoto, chatting about all the exciting initiatives and events shaping the future of ...

#110 Recapping Expo East 2023: The End of An Era

This episode was sponsored by Graphite Financial. Go to’s Expo East recap time! New Hope Network announced on the opening day of this year’...

#109 The Third Annual Shelfies Awards Ceremony Live!

Today’s episode is a special recording of our first LinkedIn LIVE podcast episode where we announced the winners of the third annual Startup CPG Shelfies Awards! Thank...

#82 Expo West 2023 Recap: Mushrooms, Mocktails, Mochi, and More

This episode is coming to you a bit later in the week, but I wanted to get you an Expo West audio recap as hot off the press as possible. New Hope just announced that ...

#64 Expo East 2022 Recap: Liquids abound, lost voices, and sustainable puns

“'Tis the week post-Expo and all through the land… CPGers have full tummies, full hearts, and half-closed eyes.” I stole that line from Jenna on the Startup CPG team’s...

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